Juvenile “idiopathic” arthritis (JIA) as a manifestation of food allergy. Case Study


  • Ana Beatriz Muñoz-Urribarri Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins
  • Alex Gamaniel Delgado Godos Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins
  • Raúl Castillo Durand Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins
  • Michael Algio Quispe Huarcaya Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins
  • Roxana Stephanie Hilda Calderón Flores Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins



Palabras clave:

Allergy, food, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis


Studies linking type of diet and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) have variable results and are inconsistent. This case shows an evolution which fulfilled the criteria of JIA, but was diagnosed as food allergy. Case: A seven-year old boy had fever, arthralgia, general malaise, headaches, abdominal pain and rashes. These symptoms were diagnosed as fever of unknown origin (FUO) and probable JIA. There was a stabbing pain in the right iliac fossa. An upper and lower endoscopy were performed and nodular ileocolitis was detected. A hypoallergenic diet was prescribed, in addition to mesalazine and oral corticosteroids. The patient was asymptomatic for 2.5 months and then relapsed with all symptoms after consuming dairy. This JIA case shows the diagnostic phases of food allergy: improvement and recurrence of symptoms with the reintroduction of the allergen (oral challenge=gold standard of food allergy). There is evidence that supports the existence of a gut-joint axis, where the luminal content triggers a series of immunologically mediated reactions that can cause systemic diseases such as J other connective tissue diseases. This case report adds reasonable evidence in support of food allergy as a cause of JIA.


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Cómo citar

Muñoz-Urribarri AB, Delgado Godos AG, Castillo Durand R, Quispe Huarcaya MA, Calderón Flores RSH. Juvenile “idiopathic” arthritis (JIA) as a manifestation of food allergy. Case Study. Rev Gastroenterol Peru [nternet]. 30 de junio de 2020 [citado 21 de enero de 2025];40(2):177-81. isponible en: https://revistagastroperu.com/index.php/rgp/article/view/1087

