Instructions for authors

Main Page (for any type of submitted article)



The title must not exceed 20 words, not including spaces between words, and should reflect the main topic of the original article. The use of acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided.


Short title

It should not exceed 7 words.


Names of the authors

The name and surname will be entered (as they wish to appear in the Review). The way in which the names of the authors are presented is the responsibility of each one of them. Each author must enter their ORCID number on a mandatory basis.



Only one institutional affiliation and one academic affiliation per author, city and country will be included. In the case of profession and academic degree, each author must indicate his or her profession and the highest academic degree obtained.


Roles according to CRediT

Authors must specify their contributions according to the CRediT roles taxonomy (

  • Conceptualization: Formulation of ideas, objectives and general goals of the research.
  • Methodology: Development, design of methodology, and/or creation of models.
  • Software: Programming, software development, design of computer programs, implementation of code and technical support algorithms, testing of existing code components.
  • Validation: Verification of the replicability and reproducibility of the results, experiments and other research products.
  • Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
  • Research: Development of the research process, specifically conducting experiments or collecting data/evidence.
  • Resources: Provide study materials, reagents, patients, animals, laboratory samples, instruments, computer resources or other tools for analysis.
  • Data curation: Activities to manage metadata, eliminate and maintain research data, in use and reuse phases.
  • Writing - original draft: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically, the writing of the initial draft (includes the translation work, if relevant in terms of the volume of translated text).
  • Writing - review and editing: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, including the stages prior to publication.
  • Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work.
  • Project administration: Management and coordination for research planning and execution activities
  • Supervision: Responsibility for supervision and leadership for the planning and execution of the research activity, including external mentoring.
  • Acquisition of funds: Financial support for the execution and publication of the research.


The abbreviation of each author's name must be entered and then all the roles that the author has assumed during the process of research and preparation of the article must be entered. An author can have multiple roles.



Indicate whether the research has been self-financed or financed by an institution.


Conflicts of interest

Any potential conflict of interest (financial, professional or personal) of each of the authors that may be relevant to the article must be mentioned.


Contact information

The full name, telephone number, email and address of the author to whom the correspondence and, if publication is approved, the “print proof” will be sent for the editorial process, must be included.



Other considerations



They must be presented in English and Spanish, where each term will be separated by a semicolon. A minimum of three and a maximum of five must be proposed. For keywords in Spanish, the “descriptors in health sciences” – DeCS from BIREME ( must be used, and in English, MeSH from the NLM (


Tables and figures

They must be numbered with Arabic numerals, in the order in which they appear mentioned in the text. They must have footnotes with the necessary and sufficient information to allow an exact interpretation, making consultation of the text unnecessary. All abbreviations and symbols must be explained. If the material is copyrighted, it must be indicated that authorization has been obtained. Photographs of identifiable individuals must be accompanied by a signed permission attesting the informed consent. As a general rule, it is recommended that the number between figures and tables does not exceed a maximum of 6.


Tables and figures must be presented at the end of the manuscript (with their respective numbering). The tables and figures used must be sent in an editable format. Callouts to tables and figures should be placed within the content of the manuscript.

Tables. Only horizontal lines will be accepted, one that will be used to separate the header from the body of the table and another at the end of the table. In no case should vertical lines be included. The tables must be in Word or Excel. Do not duplicate the material presented in a figure.

Figures. Photographs must have a resolution of 300 pixels/inch if they are in TIF or JPG format. Data already included in the text should not be repeated in the figures. Photographs of objects and microphotographs must contain a scale that allows measurements to be calibrated. Symbols and arrows placed to facilitate interpretation must contrast with the background. Patient names or other identifying information should not be included. In the figures where the faces of the patients are shown, a dark stripe must be placed to cover the eyes to prevent identification of the patient. In addition, the authors must attach the written authorization of the patient or their legal representative granting their consent for the publication of the pictures. If a previously published figure is included, the source of origin must be indicated and the written permission of the copyright holder must be submitted.


Bibliographic references

They must be referenced in the text in superscript, in parentheses and ordered consecutively according to the place of appearance. If it is one quote: (1) or if it is more than one: (2-5). The Vancouver format will be used in accordance with ICMJE standards ( If there are more than six authors, the first six will be placed followed by a comma and et al. Likewise, the DOI must be included at the end of the reference, if it has one.


Style Considerations

The Review uses the International System of Units. To separate the decimals, commas will be used for the Spanish version and points for the English version. The scientific names of the species should be placed in italics. When abbreviations are used, the meaning should be placed in parentheses at the time of first mention. When referring to multiple authors in the body of the article, indicate the last name of the first author followed by et al.