Structure and types of articles



Its content will refer to a topic of interest. They should not exceed 1500 words excluding bibliographic references. A table and figure may also be included. Editorials must have a title and bibliographic references. They are presented at the request of the Editor.




They are articles that describe original studies, they must be concise, well organized and clearly written, and contain no more than 5000 words (abstract, body of the article, bibliography, tables and figures included).


Acceptance of original articles will be based on the importance and originality of the research. These articles will be reviewed in the first instance by the Editorial Committee (main editor and associate editors) and, if accepted, they will be sent to two national and/or foreign reviewers. Authors will be responsible for the quality of language and style. The editors reserve the right to reject poorly written manuscripts, even if the scientific content is qualitatively suitable for publication. Original articles will be sent assuming that they are original contributions, that they do not contain data that has already been published in original format elsewhere and that they are not being evaluated by another journal.


Sections should be included in the following order: title page, summary, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, bibliography, tables and figures. All pages must be numbered in the upper right corner, starting with the title page.




For original articles, it must be organized according to sections: objectives, material and methods, results and conclusions. Only conclusions directly supported by the data should be reported. Do not use abbreviations, footnotes, or bibliographic references in the summary. The abstract should not contain more than 250 words.




They must be a minimum of three and a maximum of five, they complement the title and help identify the document. Terms taken from the list of the Descriptors in Health Sciences – DeCS should be used for summaries in Spanish and from the Medical Subject Headings – MeSH of the Index Medicus for summaries in English.




It should contain the minimum of general information to guide the reader, such as background and justification of the study. You should state the objectives in the last paragraph of the Introduction.


Material and methods


These will be described in detail, so that other researchers can evaluate and repeat them. Regarding the methods that are used without significant modifications, it will be enough to cite the original work. The statistical methods used must be described. Experimental studies must contain experiments and/or control groups; Otherwise, the measures taken to avoid bias should be explained, as well as their possible effect on the study's conclusions. Take into account the Ethical Considerations section of these Instructions.




They should be concise and clear, with a minimum of tables and figures. All tables and figures should be mentioned in the body of the article. Unnecessary duplication or repetition of data should be avoided, both in the text and in the figures and tables.




Your own findings should be related to those of previous research, pointing out the differences between the results obtained and those observed by other authors. The implications of the results, including possible explanations and implications for clinicians, should be explained, minimizing repetition of the results, avoiding repeating material from the introduction, and focusing attention on the specific topic of the document. Likewise, the authors should comment on the strengths and limitations of the study, questions that remain unanswered, and future research. You should state your conclusions in the last paragraph of the Discussion.


Bibliographic references


The format that will be used to prepare bibliographic references is the Vancouver style, which is available at:




It will include articles with a broad search of the literature related to topics of clinical or fundamental interest for the readers of the Revista de Gastroenterología del Peru. Review articles are expected to be clear, concise and up-to-date; the word limit must be 5000 (excluding the abstract), they must be accompanied by an unstructured summary (maximum 250 words), keywords, introduction, methodology, body of the review, conclusions and bibliographic references, tables and figures.




Case reports or clinical cases will only be accepted if they represent a notable contribution to the etiology, pathogenesis or treatment of a specific disorder. The maximum length of a clinical case will be 3000 words including the summary, they must be accompanied by an unstructured summary (maximum 200 words), keywords, introduction, case report, discussion and bibliographic references. Tables and figures may be included.




They deal with diverse topics and may contain practical guidelines, in-depth scientific reviews, opinions, systematizations, experiences and any type of article that does not fit the characteristics of other sections. The word limit for special articles is 3000 excluding the summary; they must be accompanied by an unstructured summary (maximum 200 words), keywords, introduction, body of the article, conclusions and bibliographic references.




They can be scientific or comment letters that contribute to a published article. The scientific letters will be submitted to the review of experts on the subject. Letters must not exceed 1000 words and can only have one table or figure and a maximum of 10 bibliographical references. Letters must have a title.