Epidemiological aspects of endoscopic resections of colorectal polyps in patients at an endoscopy training center in the Santos region, Brasil


  • Tiago Franco Vilela Filho in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Trainee
  • Gabriel Marques Fávaro in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Resident
  • Diego Soares Coca in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Trainee
  • Lubia Bonini Daniel in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil Attending Physician
  • Katia Ferreira Guenaga in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Attending Physician
  • Ricardo Sato Uemura in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Attending Physician
  • Carlos Kyoshi Furuya Junior in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Attending Physician
  • Everson L. A. Artifon in the Digestive Endoscopy Sector, Hospital Ana Costa. Santos, São Paulo, Brasil. Head



Palabras clave:

Polyps, Colonoscopy, Colorectal cancer


Introduction: Colorectal polyps are structures that project from the surface of the mucosal layer of the large intestine. They are classified as neoplastic or non-neoplastic. Early detection of pre-neoplastic lesions is important for preventing colorectal cancer. These can be resected so as to decrease the morbidity and mortality rates. Colonoscopy is the gold-standard procedure for diagnosing and resecting precursor lesions. Objective: To evaluate the epidemiological, endoscopic and histological aspects of endoscopic resection of lesions of the colon and rectum at a training center. Materials and method: A search was conducted in the database of our institution covering the period from January 2011 to July 2014. Cases that underwent endoscopic resection of polyps and/or colorectal lesions were selection. The following variables were defined: general data on the patients (age, gender and indication from the examination) and data on the polypoid lesion (number, histological type and topographic distribution). Results: 678 lesions were identified in 456 examinations. Regarding sex, 242 (53.1%) were female and 214 (46.9%) were male. The mean age was 64.54 years, with extremes of 5 and 94 years. The most frequent locations were the rectum (21%) and sigmoid (20%). Histologically, 34.7% were hyperplastic polyps and 58.9% were adenomatous polyps, of which 74.1% were tubular, 10.6% tubulovillous, 2% villous and 13% indeterminate; and 1.7% were adenocarcinomas. In 65.4% of the cases, the examination showed that only one polyps was present, while 34.6% had two or more lesions. Conclusion: In our clinic, with a mean of 250 examinations/month, the parameters evaluated were compatible with the results reported in the literature.


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Cómo citar

Vilela Filho TF, Marques Fávaro G, Soares Coca D, Bonini Daniel L, Ferreira Guenaga K, Sato Uemura R, Furuya Junior CK, Artifon ELA. Epidemiological aspects of endoscopic resections of colorectal polyps in patients at an endoscopy training center in the Santos region, Brasil. Rev Gastroenterol Peru [nternet]. 9 de junio de 2017 [citado 6 de marzo de 2025];37(1):47-52. isponible en: https://revistagastroperu.com/index.php/rgp/article/view/79




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